For the past few weeks, Mike and I have been busy keeping up with every little thing that has gone wrong on NautiNell. Mike has been kept especially busy. He seems to go from project to project. Now we’re not really complaining, but we are making this observation. This afternoon, we realized that we never have performed the ceremony to rename this boat! When we bought this boat it was named Oceanic III. We felt that this name was a little too regal for us. We spent a lot of time trying to find the name that would be just the right fit. Thus, we declared and documented her as NautiNell. However, the most important thing that we forgot was to perform the renaming ceremony. If this ceremony is not conducted, bad luck can follow. After all, we don’t need any bad mojo!
According to legend, each and every vessel is recorded by name in the Ledger of the Deep and is known personally to Neptune, the god of the sea. The first thing we must do is purge its name from the Ledger of the Deep and from Neptune’s memory. We offer great libations to the mighty ruler and we pour some into the sea from east to west. (It helps if the captain drinks a little too, of course). We also are to drop something into the sea with the old name written on it. When the purging ceremony is complete we can then begin the renaming of the vessel.
This, of course, takes more alcohol and it is poured on the bow of the boat saving at least one glass for the captain. This is to show the sheer appreciation we have for the great ruler, Neptune. The next step is then to appease the gods of the winds. This helps assure fair winds and smooth seas. We do this by facing north and pouring a generous amount in a flute glass and flinging it to the North. We then do the same to the West, then the East and finally to the South. All the time asking for permission to use each god’s mighty powers to pursue lawful endeavors, whatever they may be.
FYI --
Wind gods
North - Great Boreas
West – Great Zephyrus
East – Great Eurus
South – Great Notus
Tonight we performed this ceremony. May it be written in the great Ledger of the Deep. And may it be known to the great god of Neptune this 28th day of May 2011.
Hopefully now all the gremlins will be cast off the NautiNell and it will be smooth motoring from now on. (Hey, we had to try it!)
Till Next Time!
Admiral “C”
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