It's been a busy few days. Mike and I have been trying to wrap up projects so we can concentrate on charting our first major trip in the NautiNell. We'll be leaving in a day or so to go south to Norfolk. The AGLCA is holding their Spring Rendevous there and we are planning to attend. There is always an abundance of knowledge at these workshops and we plan to absorb all we can.
Wouldn't you know it - now that we are about ready to leave, we finally begin socializing with some of the great people here. The weather has been beautiful here so there are more boaters out and about. A few of the boaters have docked here at Smith Point Marina. It's been really fun talking to them and hearing there stories - from a 24' open sailboat to a 36' Grand Banks to many of the large charter boats. They all have stories to tell.
Friday night, Dan and Jeanne, owners of this marina, invited us to a mixer at the Reedville Fishermen's Museum. We were very excited and jumped at the chance to go. We had wanted to go to the museum, but had not had the chance. The Fishermen's Museum has several exhibits showing the history of the menhaden fishing industry that played a huge part in the development of Reedville. The menhaden is a fish that is used to produce the Omega 3 fish oil and is used in cosmetics, etc. At one time, it was used to produce heating oil in the area. There was a operating skipjack, Claud W. Somers, that is over 100 years old. At one time Reedville was a flourishing town. Although the fishing industry isn't what it used to be, Reedville is still one of the major ports for the landing of commercial fish in the US. In fact, it is only second to Kodiak, AK. Okay, enough of a history lesson, but you get the idea that I really enjoyed the museum.
There was quite a group of people at the mixer. Everyone is so friendly and helpful here. Afterwards, we went to a local restaurant named Tommy's. Again we had wonderful food. Everyone that was at the museum was pretty much at Tommy's too.
Saturday morning we figured we better stock up one last time. We used the courtesy van and made one last haul. We've become regulars at the Food Lion and the local true value store! It really seems strange being here without a vehicle. We are truly boat people now!
It was a beautiful day on Saturday so we took a dinghy ride. We probably went a mile up the Little Wilcomico bay. It was more like a river with beautiful homes on both sides. Life is good. We really have been enjoying the dinghy.
Saturday night we were invited to Dan and Jeanne's for burgers. There were two other couples there also. A big shoutout to Ray & Paula and Harry and Carol. What nice people!! Dan and Jeanne's home has a wonderful view. We really enjoyed their company and their friends.
Today was a nice relaxing day. For Mother's Day dinner, we had wonderful crabcakes on the grill. This area does know how to eat!
Oh, I almost forgot - the ice maker out on the sundeck now works! Yea!
Well, it's countdown time until Tuesday when we plan to leave out of here. Wish us luck! I'll post more later!
Admiral "C"
Hope you have a wonderful trip...Can't wait to be a boat person... vicariously...Tell us everything!!!
ReplyDeleteSorry I missed the party...
ReplyDeleteI had a gift ( 5 gallon Bucket) for you....
Have fun..