
NautiNell in all her glory

Friday, April 8, 2011

Getting Ready for the Second Trip to NautiNell

Getting ready for our second trip was quite an expericnce! After a lot of work we were finally ready for the auction. Well, really we had to be ready because the day was here! What a wonderful day it turned out to be. After all the cold weather we had had earlier in the week, we were blessed with a warm and sunny day. I have been to many auctions, but this is my first one to actually be the seller. It's a bit different being on the other side. Seeing some of our things go way under price was rather disturbing. However, at the end of the day we had reached our goal. We sold everything and made good money doing it! If any of you ever need to have an auction for whatever reason, I highly recommend using Bob Laswell. Just something to tuck away for future reference.

After the auction, we had to clean up the place a little and gather up what we kept. What we kept consisted of two "piles" - what we are taking on NautiNell and what we are going to leave here in storage. Now that was a trip. We have entirely too much STUFF!!! When we finally got to sorting our our clothes, it was unbelievable! No one should have this much. We hadn't sorted through the clothes yet, because we had not planned to sell at the auction. Clothing does not do well at auctions on the average. SOOO! It turned out we had to add another pile - what we were getting rid of entirely. Crosslines is going to be very happy! We really got rid of more than we kept. BUT!! We have entirely too much clothing on the boat now. Now that we are trying to find places for everything we brought - we have added another pile which is on the truck to bring back to storage. This pile is the "what were we thinking pile"! It was a good thing we had the trailer on the way up to NautiNell.

BTW - the reason we had a trailer is that we are doing a favor for one of our buddies- Randy Stanley. He needed to get a pool table up to Falls Church, VA (close to Washington D.C.) and we were going that way. So a perfect deal was worked out. You should have seen the face of the dockmaster here, when we told him we brought a pool table along!

I have to tell you something that happened at the very beginning of this trip. It set the mood! We had to drop off our modem to CableOne on our way out of town. When I gave it to her, the lady asked for a forwarding address. I looked at her and said "I have no idea". I have always wanted to say that! It felt so cool! Oh well, it's the little things sometimes....

We arrived at the boat about nightfall yesterday. We didn't unpack anything except our suitcases. When we got up this morning, we found out that it was supposed to rain. I forgot to mention that along the way up here, the door on the trailer got jammed somehow and wouldn't open up. The load had shifted somehow. When we went to bed Thursday night, we didn't know how we were going to get in. What a difference a good night's sleep makes. We got up early this morning. The load must have shifted a tad bit again and the door opened right up. Also, since it looked like rain, Dan (dock owner) provided us with a dry and secure place to unload all of our stuff. Now we can just get a few containers at a time and proceed to unload them (and of course, reload them when all of our stuff doesn't fit!) HA! Things have a way of working out.....!

We are going to deliver the pool table tomorrow to Randy's daughter, April, in Falls Church, VA.. It's only about 150 miles from here. That's nothing! We also have sold an antique lamp I had to a gentleman in Washington D.C. We're going to deliver that and collect on that also. Hope we don't get too lost! I guess we can read a map........since I have no navigation app.

BTW - I forgot to mention that this morning my phone went crazy. It's a new Android, but it no longer has any of my information on it. It's like it's been completely re-programmed.. I spoke to Verizon this morning after I had my meltdown. They couldn't seem to help me. I need to go to a Verizon store. Of course, there is no store around here. There is one in Falls Church so hopefully we can take care of that too. I feel so completely disconnected. First we drive 1200 miles away from home with all of our stuff, THEN, I can't even call or text anyone to keep in contact. Sheeh! I think I'm being tested. Hope I pass.

Our plan is to spend a few weeks here unpacking and fixing up the boat. It really is taking on the feeling of home already. We still need to get new canvas and we have a few other small things we need to take care of. When we got here, the electricity was completely fixed! We had lights, hot water and everthing we needed. WOW!

We should be home April 28. We'll be home for a few days. There's a bon voyage party being planned for Saturday, April 30 at the Elks. We have tickets to fly back to the boat on May 3. We actually booked to fly out of Joplin really reasonably.

Update: We sold the Jeep at the auction. The mini bikes have also been sold. We still have the motorcycle and the camaro for sale. If you know of anyone interested, let us know. Oh, and of course, the rental house is still for sale. It should would be nice to cash out before we leave on our adventure.

I'll write more later and let you all know how the Washington D.C./pool table delivery went.


Admiral "C"

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