
NautiNell in all her glory

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Aboard the NautiNell

It's been a very busy week here aboard the NautiNell. We've been busy (especially Capt Mike) bringing her up to par. NautiNell was way above a fixer upper, but she had sat docked for more than two years. This means there have been a few little surprises along the way. Nothing big - just things here and there. It's a good thing that Mike is a "Mr fix-it". NautiNell is really looking good now.

I did a true test today. I baked chocolate chip cookies in the oven. They came out great! NautiNell smells like home. Things are going to be fine. Especially with chocolate chip cookies aboard!

Last Saturday night we rode out a really severe storm. Now most of you know that Mike and I can ride out storms in our boat. We've done it several times on TableRock Lake. However, this was a biggie! You probably have seen on the news how the tornadoes touched down in the area. One touched down in a small town less that 50 miles from here - less than that by water. Several houses and boats were destroyed. I believe there were 3 people killed. They have been under a curfew and the main road in and out to Deltaville has been closed to non residents. There wasn't any real damage close to us. But it was a little unnerving.

I wish I had taken a video of Mike and I trying to move furniture into the boat. This weekend we purchased a leather chair and a wicker loveseat for the boat. The furniture that came with her was pretty well used up. Anyway, we found the perfect pieces. We had measured them and everything would fit great! BUT - we tried and tried and tried to get the loveseat into the boat. That's right! It wouldn't go through the door and companion way. Teak wood does NOT give a bit. We made it about two thirds way through, but it got stuck. I wasn't sure we were going to be able to get it back out! We finally gave up. The chair wasn't a problem. The store where we purchased the loveseat was very understanding. They took it back with no problems. Now I'm on the search for a "smaller" loveseat. Road trip again this weekend!

There are several charter fishing boats that go out of here. They fish for rockfish. We call them stripers. They have to be at least 28 in and you can keep only one. Most of the boats have come back with a pile of fish. Mike is planning to go out on one of the charters soon. Two boats stay at this marina. The captains said that they have to go out about 20 miles to go where the fish are.

There is also a tour boat that goes to Tangier Island. Tangier Island is the only inhabited island in the state. I'm not sure what is all on the island. I've heard there are shops and restaurants. It's only about an hour ride over. I'll let you know all about it soon. That's going to be our first "adventure" out. We plan to go over to the island and drop anchor.

Mike had been going out in the dinghy about every afternoon. He hasn't tried fishing yet. In fact, he's out there right now. When he gets back, we're going to a local marina for dinner. Looking forward to a crabcake sandwich!!

We'll be home next weekend. See you soon!!