Merry Christmas from Naughty and Nice! |
Sombrero Beach on Christmas Day |
Sorry Capt Chappy, Santa couldn't fit this in your stocking! |
Christmas chow-down on the dock |
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Mr Manatee visited us on Christmas morning |
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NautiNell was all decked out for Christmas |
Take a look at the sign behind us........ |
No, it's not Jimmy Buffett but they were good, anyway |
We finally got to try out Boondocks. It’s a really neat bar and restaurant on Ramrod
Key about 25 miles south from here.
Carlton and Becky (Sea Moore) had a car for the week so they invited us
to go with them to check it out. A Jimmy Buffett Tribute Band – “Caribbean
Chillers” was playing. They were pretty
good! And the food and company were
great! They have a miniature golf course
there but we didn’t have time to give it a try.
We’ve heard really fun things about it.
Maybe next time…
I’ve spent several days baking goodies, even though it’s
only Mike and I. It does seem weird
baking Christmas cookies when it’s 85 degrees outside! I tried playing Christmas music, but it still
seemed strange. I still felt the urge to
bake though – it just wouldn’t have seemed like Christmas otherwise.
We have met a couple, Dan and Elise, who have a home here
close to the marina. They invited us to
spend Christmas Eve with them. They have
recently moved here from Indiana. We
were their first “official” guests! We really
enjoyed visiting with them. They have a
beautiful home here on the canal.
We spent Christmas Day taking a dinghy ride to the
beach. The beach was really busy! Lots of people on vacation, I guess, and
wanting to go home with a tan. The water
was really calm. We also went back into
the mangroves looking for wildlife – iguanas and crocodiles. Didn’t see any of either!!
That evening we enjoyed a potluck dinner with several of the
cruisers here. Lots of them had gone
somewhere for the holidays but there were several of us still here. We managed to have turkey and all the
trimmings. It was nice to share the day
with friends. The only thing though – we
didn’t have any leftovers this way!
The day after Christmas, Mike and I made a trip to the
grocery. We cooked our own after
Christmas dinner and stuffed ourselves again!
Now we’re still eating turkey sandwiches! That’s more like it! HA!
Mike spent most of yesterday refurbishing some of his lures
with new hooks. You know he always finds
something to do….. It’s been really nice
weather with crystal clear skies. The
full moon last night was awesome! He
went fishing today with one of the guys here who has a 20+ foot fishing
boat. They were gone most of the day and
came back with a huge mess of fish – hogfish and yellowtail mostly! Yes, fresh fish for dinner! No turkey tonight! Yea!!
Oh, I have to tell you what I heard on the radio
yesterday - a cleanup crew working back
behind the local Publix here in Marathon which is only about ½ mile from us –
(we go by there about every day) stumbled across a 10 foot python! They hung it up using a front loader. It was huge!
Probably been feeding on the iguanas around here. I can’t imagine what I would have done had I
came across that thing while on my scooter!
Hmmm....Right now, I don't have any idea how we will be spending New Years Eve and how we will be welcoming in the New Year. I'm sure we will think of something. We talked about going to Key West but that is just too crowded. We'll miss the giant Pink High Heeled Pump dropping down on Duval Street or the huge Conch Shell dropping at Sloppy Joes. Ours will be a little tamer, I'm sure.
2012 has brought a lot of heartache for some – I offer up my prayers for those that are hurting. May they find some peace in God’s Love. I also pray that 2013 bring peace, love and happiness to everyone.
Till next time!
Admiral “C”
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