The Adventures of the NAUTI-NELL!
A Modern Day Pirate Ship
December 14, 2010
Hi Everyone!
I know it's been a while since I posted anything. I really didn't have too much to report for the past few months. We were just searching for the right boat. Well, now I have enough to write a novel! I'll try to be brief, but you know how I go on and on and on..... :-)
On the day after Thanksgiving we signed a Purchase Agreement on a 42' Jefferson MotorYacht. The boat was on Long Island in New York! Mike had gone to see it a few weeks before. We had it all checked out - Marine Survey, sea trial, etc. It was a good buy that was hard to pass up. SO! On December 7, we closed the deal. That means we now own a boat in New York! Our first item on our list was to get the boat out of the cold and frigid weather of New York. On Wednesday, December 8, he flew to Long Island to meet with a captain we hired. The plan is for them to bring the boat down the coast as far as Norfolk, VA. We would leave it there for a while and then bring it on down to Daytona after Christmas. IF all goes well, it should take about four days travel.
Mike spend the first night on the boat at the marina on Long Island. He sounded so excited! Of course, things didn't go as planned. Do they ever? About 7:00 p.m. that evening the power went out. That also meant he had no heat! It was 19 degrees out! He said he tried to figure it out, but couldn't in the dark and of course, he was unfamiliar with the boat. He said he about froze! That morning he was able to fix whatever it was. I'm not sure, but it didn't sound like too much of a big deal. He then spent the day shopping for provisions and checking out the boat. There were also a couple of things that were supposed to be done but weren't. The broker said they were but......Sometimes brokers lie! The owner or should I say the "seller" came and changed out a water pump to one of the engines. He seems like a pretty good guy.
Anyway, on Friday December 9, Captain Bill Darling showed up. Seemed like a pretty nice guy and seemed to know his stuff. All was a go.
On Saturday moring, they headed south. They had to go out into the Atlantic to find enough water. The area along there during this time of year is not dredged so there is seldom enough water along the coast. He said they only had to go out about 8 miles. but it was still quite an experience. They set the headings and set the autopilot. They maintained the course at about 12.5 knots or about 15 mph. It was a good day. When I talked to Mike, he was so excited. He sounded like a little boy on Christmas morning! They were at a marina somewhere on the Jersey Shore.
When I talked to him on Sunday morning, he didn't sound so good. They had ran into 6-8 foot waves and he had turned a bit green. Seasickness is inevitable! Anyway later that day, the waves settled down and they made it to Atlantic City. They stayed at the Trump Marina. Things were still good.
Monday morning they headed out only to come back into a marina in Wildwood, NJ. Their weather window had closed. It was gale force winds along with frigid temperatures. They have to stay there probably about 3 days. HOWEVER, that's not all. Here's the kicker! Captain Bill Darling deserted ship! He said the he had another boat that he had to deliver to the islands and if he stayed with Mike he would miss that schedule! He said "sorry, but you can't do anything about the weather" and left! He told Mike that he'd get him another captain. isn't that something! He didn't fulfillh is contract to deliver our boat to Norfolk. But what can you do! Mike is at a loss. All Mike knows is that he's at this marina with his boat and it's cold! The heater works, but a boat like this isn't meant to be warm and cozy in 19 degree weather. Captain Bill has contacted him a few times. He gave Mike a name of another captian. Captain Red O'Kane. Think he's Irish? Anyway, he is to come by tomorrow morning (Wednesday) to check things out. Mike said that it looks like if all works out, they will leave out Thursday morning. They are not far from Capt May, NJ. This is where they have to cross the Delaware Bay. That can be a little treacherous this time of year.
In the meantime, I'm here in Joplin! I still haven't even seen the boat. All I know is I want my hubby home soon! Hopefully the first of next week. Keep your fingers crossed!
We're still planning to make the Great Loop. Our plans are to keep the boat in Daytona (once we get it there!). We then can go down to Florida to spend time on her. She needs a little TLC and some "lipstick". I know Mike will want to fix her up to his standards. After all, she is the ---
"A modern day pirate ship setting sail to pillage and plunder
these here United States, while collecting a treasure chest -
full of sunsets and memories!"
Till next time,
Admiral C
I'll keep you posted!!
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